Cayman Limited Liability Company

Confirm basic company information

  • Company Name
  • English name: Free search, results will be available in about two working days. Please note that the name cannot be the same as or too similar to a registered company, and must comply with the naming rules of the Cayman Islands Company Registry.
  • Chinese name (optional): If a Chinese name is required, it must be applied for at the same time as the company incorporation application (each Chinese name must be approved), and the fee is non-refundable regardless of whether the Chinese name is approved.
  • Registered capital
  • Determine the amount of the company's registered capital. There is no minimum requirement for the registered capital of a Cayman company. The standard authorized capital is generally 50,000 shares with a par value of US$1 per share. The registered capital can be set according to actual needs, but different registered capital ranges correspond to different establishment fees and annual fees (see the charging standards below for specific fees).
  • Shareholder and Director Information
  • To determine the shareholders and directors, at least one shareholder and one director are required. Shareholders and directors can be natural persons or legal entities, without any restrictions on nationality.

Collect the required files (basic files)

  • “CPQ Form Company Application Form”: signed by the agency or the client.
  • "Sample Professional Reference Letter": Each director, shareholder, and ultimate beneficiary must provide one copy, which can be issued by a professional (such as a lawyer, accountant, or banker) who has done business with the client for more than three years.
  • “Sample certification of passport or ID card_Identity certification Cayman certification format”: a copy of the passport / identity card of each director, shareholder, ultimate beneficiary and a copy of the proof of address certified by a notary public / lawyer / accountant.
  • “Address proof”: for example, water, electricity, and telephone bills issued in the past three months.
  • “Applicant Information Form”: one for each director, shareholder, and ultimate beneficiary.
  • "Notice of Location of Records (Cayman)" is signed by the directors to determine the location of the records.
  • “Declaration of Source of Funds”: Each ultimate beneficiary has one form, used to declare the source of funds.

Legal person director / Additional shareholder documents (if any)

  • Proof of company registration: including registration certificate, articles of association, etc.
  • Register of directors.
  • Register of shareholders.
  • Additional character review fee: US$600 per legal person director / shareholder (companies with Sino as registered agent are exempted). Sino's audit department may require customers to provide additional documents depending on the circumstances.

Registration process and time

  • General process: Submit all documents to the Cayman Islands Company Registry, and receive the registration certificate and company articles within 14-25 working days after approval.
  • Express Service: Receive the Certificate of Registration and Articles of Incorporation within 1 – 3 days after the company formation application is approved.