英屬處女群島BVI、開曼群島Cayman Islands

投資者應該選擇英屬維爾京群島(BVI)和開曼群島(Cayman Islands) 開展業務嗎?

為了回答上述問題,投資者應考慮許多因素,例如預算,目的,策略等,以為其離岸公司選擇合適的司法管轄區。因此,本公司並不試圖建議或引導客戶更喜歡一個司法管轄區而不是另一個司法管轄區。本公司將顯示英屬維爾京群島BVI和開曼群島Cayman Islands之間的主要不同點。

1. 相似之處

英屬維爾京群島BVI和開曼群島 (Cayman Islands) 是英國海外領土。每個司法管轄區都有自己的政府,負責內部自治,而英國負責對外事務,國防和法院(兩個島嶼都有相同的法律制度)。

The British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands are well-known jurisdictions for offshore companies. The governments have created an open environment and established effective regulations to attract foreign investors. Offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands will receive huge benefits, including:

  1. 沒有對公司徵收公司稅,也沒有資本管制
  2. 對個人的遺產和禮物不徵稅
  3. 簡單有效的註冊系統
  4. 擁有者和股東信息的機密性
  5. 資產保護和堅實的法律框架
  6. 與許多司法管轄區和地區簽訂避免雙重徵稅的協定

2. 英屬維爾京群島與開曼群島的區別



On the other hand, the Cayman Islands is known as one of the hot jurisdictions for financial supervision. For funds, banks, and wealthy people, it will be a good choice to explore financial opportunities across borders through the financial license of the Cayman Islands government.

The regulatory framework is the second difference between the BVI and the Cayman Islands. While both countries require companies to audit their investment funds, the BVI does not require companies to follow local audits, while the Cayman Islands requires companies engaged in funds to have their audits conducted locally.

在英屬維爾京群島註冊成立的公司比開曼群島快。該過程從提交組織章程大綱和章程(MAA)開始,由擬議的註冊代理人簽署的文章(RA – 必須提交其同意採取行動)提交MAA,文章的副本並獲得公司註冊證書通常需要24小時內在英屬維爾京群島。註冊人將於五個工作日內獲得公司註冊證書,或提供額外附加費後兩個工作日。

In addition, the pre-approved functions of investment role licenses issued by China, Hong Kong, Brazil, the United States and the United Kingdom are accepted in the British Virgin Islands, so no further approval functions are required. In view of the fact that investors in the Cayman Islands may spend more time, add more legal fees and expenses to apply for new regulatory licenses when the Cayman Islands government does not grant pre-approved investment role functions, including managers, administrators, trustees, auditors, etc. issued by other countries /regions. Generally, the incorporation process in the British Virgin Islands may take four to five hours, and in the Cayman Islands may take one to two days.

The British Virgin Islands attracts more investors from Russia, Asia, and is not a bad idea for small business owners with limited budgets, where corporate privacy is their main concern, and the Cayman Islands is an ideal location for large corporates looking for investment opportunities in the fund space or using the proposed company as a future holding structure and familiar with many institutional investors from South America and Western Europe.


